
The business development paradox

We’ve been incredibly busy here at Warley Design for the past five months or so working on a big project that came “out of the blue” from seeds that were sown some time ago.  It has been technically very challenging and involved evening and weekend work, and less time off than we had planned for during the school

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#iLookLikeAnEngineer – Hashtag campaign hopes to break gender stereotypes in engineering

The experience of one female engineer and the power of social media is helping to dispel the myth that all engineers are men. Thousands of women working in engineering, science and computing have tweeted photos of themselves to the hashtag #iLookLikeAnEngineer explaining what they do for a living to try and break down gender barriers

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The demise of soap-box go-karts of yesteryear

Roadside skips are wonderful places for people who make and recycle things. Whenever I pass one I can’t resist a quick glance over the contents to see what items of use someone has decided to discard. The other day I saw a traditional Silver Cross pram lying in a skip and immediately I was transported

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How can we prepare for jobs of the future when we don’t know what they will be?

Having children makes you look to the future – you have hopes and dreams for them and want to prepare them well for what is to come. But it has occurred to me on numerous occasions that we base our decisions on what we know now, not what is likely to be the reality in

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The Rise of Apprenticeships

It has been refreshing to see the Government, local authorities and employer bodies get behind what appears to be a concerted drive to push the benefits of apprenticeships. Hopefully, the growing publicity around these important routes to building skills required for today’s workplace will encourage more employers to offer apprenticeship opportunities and lead to an

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